Definition of Cloud bank

1. Noun. A layer of clouds seen from a distance.

Generic synonyms: Cloud

Definition of Cloud bank

1. Noun. A wall of clouds, rising above horizon or observed from a distance, but not overhead. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Cloud Bank

cloud 9
cloud bank
cloud base
cloud bases
cloud burst
cloud ceiling
cloud chamber
cloud computing
cloud cover
cloud cuckoo-land
cloud deck
cloud genera
cloud genus
cloud nine
cloud on title

Literary usage of Cloud bank

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Notes by a Naturalist: An Account of Observations Made During the Voyage of by Henry Nottidge Moseley (1892)
"At our camp, far above this cloud-bank, the sun shone brightly, ... The upper surface of the cloud-bank stretched away like a snow-white billowy sea beneath ..."

2. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society by Royal Meteorological Society (Great Britain) (1905)
"The strong bands of cumuli ranged in advance of the cloud-bank were of considerable interest, as indicating the approach of bad weather in waves, ..."

3. Notes by a Naturalist on the "Challenger": Being an Account of Various by Henry Nottidge Moseley (1879)
"At our camp, far above this cloud-bank, the sun shone brightly, ... The upper surface of the cloud-bank stretched away like a snow-white billowy sea beneath ..."

4. Hand-book of Cyclonic Storms in the Bay of Bengal: For the Use of Sailors by John Eliot (1900)
"(3) The direction of the centre of the cloud bank or of the lightning, ... The cloud bank of a cyclone is easily distinguishable from all other cloud masses ..."

5. Handbook of Meteorology: A Manual for Cooperative Observers and Students by Jacques Wardlaw Redway (1921)
"The color of the cloud bank varies. Not infrequently it appears much like the smoke from ... The cloud bank is always in tumultuous commotion within itself. ..."

6. A Directory for the North Atlantic Ocean, Comprising Instructions, General by Alexander George Findlay (1895)
"Later, the squalls arise from one extreme of the cloud-bank and follow more or ... Finally, if the direction of the scud above the cloud-bank be noticed, ..."

7. Notes by a naturalist on the "Challenger": being an account of various by Henry Nottidge. Moseley (1879)
"At our camp, far above this cloud-bank, the sun shone brightly, ... The upper surface of the cloud-bank stretched away like a snow-white billowy sea beneath ..."

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